FIZZICA Fred Anton Corvest

Digital Texture Infusion

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  • Infuse your sound with digital artifact textures
  • Integrated envelope follower for dynamic sound expression
  • Supports noises, oscillators, and internal/external audio modulation models
  • Side mix control to balance between fully processed signal and sidebands
  • Sidechain support: external envelope follower and audio model
  • Optimized workflow with an easy-to-use XY control pad
  • Spectrum display of the output signal
  • MIDI control: Envelope via CC, main frequency and filter cutoff via notes
  • Extended version of FAC Punchlab's Fizz module
  • Advanced Responsive Design, portrait and landscape views
  • Universal Purchase: AUv3 for iOS (iPad/iPhone), macOS and Vision Pro

Digital Texture Infusion

Infuse your sound with dynamic digital textures and movement using audio-rate modulation. FAC Fizzica extends FAC Punchlab's Fizz module, maintaining its intuitive design while introducing advanced features for extensive sound shaping.

FAC Fizzica is your go-to solution for achieving a vintage lo-fi aesthetic and enhancing audio by adding digital noise artifacts that dynamically respond to your audio input. Ideal for refining basslines, pads, drum loops, and any elements requiring organic and expressive transformations.

The plugin offers dynamic expression thanks to its envelope follower, an essential processor in sound design that effectively transforms static sounds into dynamic motion. The envelope follower can monitor the audio input, the sidechain input, a dedicated automatable parameter, or a MIDI CC message. You can adjust the modulation depth for each controlled parameter, precisely controlling how the envelope affects them.

To provide a wide variety of textures and timbres, the plugin offers several models. The noise models introduce noisy artifacts, while the sine and triangle models enhance harmonic and tonal richness reminiscent of FM synthesis or RM modulation. The final models allow the use of either the internal or external audio signal (sidechain) as a modulator to affect your carrier signal, offering an interesting method to subtly blend the characteristics of one sound with another.

Another standout feature of FAC Fizzica is the sideband control, which adjusts the balance between the processed signal and the isolated sidebands generated by the audio rate modulation. At maximum, only the sidebands are audible! Additionally, a built-in low-pass filter refines the tonal color of the digital textures.

The workflow is optimized for simplicity and intuitiveness, featuring a central XY control pad for precise control, accompanied by a detailed visual representation of the envelope signal and all the modulations. Additionally, a spectrum viewer displays the audio output, providing clear visual feedback as you craft your audio to perfection.

The plugin comes with two extensions, both audio effects, but the second one also supports MIDI input to control the main frequency and the filter cutoff with MIDI notes, as well as the envelope follower with MIDI CC messages.

Following the diagram below, the sound flows from the left to right, or from the input to the output.


Envelope Follower
  • Gain: Level of the envelope signal + waveform
  • Rise: Rate at which the envelope rises
  • Fall: Rate at which the envelope falls
Ⓑ Audio Rate Modulation Models
  • Peak Noise, Peak Noise Stereo, Wide Noise, Wide Noise Stereo, Sine Oscillator, Triangle Oscillator, Internal and External Audio
Ⓒ Envelope Follower Source and Controlled Parameters
  • ① Source: Internal, External Audio, Automation Param and MIDI*
  • ② Amount of the env signal controlling Freq, Depth, and Width
  • ㊉ A toggle to set the Freq and Cutoff MIDI channels and offsets*
  • ③ Amount of the env signal controlling Cutoff and Resonance
Ⓓ Control Pad and Spectrum Display
  • XY: X-axis sets the Frequency, and Y-axis sets the Depth parameter
  • Display: Real-time spectrum display of the output signal

The X-axis is locked when the model is set to internal/external audio

Ⓔ Audio Rate Modulation
  • Freq: Sets the frequency of the audio rate modulation (note slider)
  • Rectify: Full wave rectification of the internal/external signal
  • Frequency is available for all models except the internal/external audio models. In this case, the rectify toggle is available

  • Depth: Sets the amount of audio rate modulation
  • Width: Sets the width (or Q) according to the model
  • Mix: Controls the global blending of the dry and wet signals
Ⓕ Filter
  • Cutoff and Resonance: Control the filter that processes the internal audio rate modulation signal. The filter can be placed before (PRE) or after (POST) the sideband blending control (see Sideband Mix)
Ⓖ Sideband Mix
  • Controls the balance between the fully processed signal and the isolated sidebands
  • Filter Position: PRE or POST
Ⓗ Preset Button
  • Preset manager (tap/long touch)
Ⓘ Info Button
  • Review the app, Tip Jar to support FAC, documentation...

* Only available in the MIDI extension

MIDI Extension

To use the FAC Fizzica MIDI extension, you need a host that can provide MIDI events to audio plugins. Please refer to your host's documentation on iOS and macOS. If MIDI support is not available, use the regular audio effect extension.

External Sidechain Input Bus

The sidechain options (external envelope follower and internal/external audio models) are enabled only when an additional input bus is provided by the host. Please refer to your host's documentation on iOS and macOS.


FAC Fizzica reports to the host the (super low) latency related to audio processing. Check that your host provides "Latency Compensation."

Always check your audio levels

In general, use the gain in parsimony, to avoid any excessive levels that may damage your ears or your system. FAC Fizzica shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatever nature (direct, indirect, consequential, or other) to your material (software, hardware, or other)

As with all FAC products, the interface has a unique sober look and provides a great user experience. The value of each knob can be monitored at any time. The knobs are very responsive, natural and follow a specific curve according to the parameter type

Preset Management

FAC Fizzica also comes with factory presets to provide you a source of inspiration to satisfy your needs in any situation you might require

The preset button provides common management features: loading, organization, saving, importing and exporting. The left and right arrows allow fast navigation shortcuts among all the presets (factory + user), a short press on the center label provides a detailed list of all the available presets, select the one you want to work with. On the other hand a long touch (hold) provides contextual operation

Dynamic Sound Expression

FAC Fizzica - Logic Pro

FAC Fizzica - AUM

FAC Fizzica - Garage Band

FAC Fizzica - BAM (Dark Theme)

FAC Fizzica - BeatMaker (Vision Pro)

FAC Fizzica - Ableton Live (macOS)

Check out what musicians think about FAC Fizzica

Review Fac Fizzica
on the App Store

Loving this plugin, I can't stop fizzifying everything!

Dj Krpt

Excellent tool for sound design. Looks amazing and performs perfectly

DMT Cymatics

The best feature for me is the external input via sidechain,
it opens up a lot of possibilities, and it’s right in my alley


This universal app is quite amazing. It adds dynamic digital textures, movement,
groovy vintage lo-fi vibes and more to whatever you decide to put it on

Bill Animus Koutsouros

Fred Anton Corvest (FAC) passionately crafts each plugin as a masterpiece, merging art and technology
with a strong emphasis on both sound excellence and user experience